Sunday, August 31, 2008

Human Race 10K in Jaco Beach

This weekend I went on a trip to Jaco Beach- 2 hours outside of San Jose. My plan was to do a little sight seeing and learn to surf. Having done a lot of boogie boarding growing up and trying a surf board a few times, I was fairly confident I would be able to go out and start catching waves. I was feeling pretty cool walking to the beach with the board under my arm until I actually strapped it on and took it in the water. The coolness quickly turned into "total loser"! As I paddled towards the oncoming waves I was unable to lay on the board long enough to get through them and was thrashed around like a rag doll. After many attempts at trying to paddle out past the white-wash, I finally gave up on the surf board and took it back to swap for a boogie board. My broken ego was quickly restored after catching some nice waves.
The next day, at the surf shop, we saw a flyer for a free 10k. It wasn't official but it was organized to run as the Nike Human Race that was being held around the world at the same time. To make it a daily Crossfit workout I was going to run it hard and shoot for 45 minutes. Thanks to a guy ahead of me, I ended up running it in 40.10.

Almost puked at the finish line but a good end to the month!

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